Sunday, March 29, 2009

text version of my project piece...(outline)

- what is it?
- what does it mean?
- why it's important
- how do we create/express it?
>description of how culture and time period shape identity

- binary oppositions: identity~anonymity
- history of the word
> what is it?
> what does it mean?
> why it's important
(communication revolution:printing press)

identity & anonymity
- discuss relationship between the two & why it's important
- desire to be identified/anonymous reflects the culture @ the time

anonymity as an aesthetic ideal
- when is this applicable?
- what purpose does it serve?
- examples here

cultural anonymity
- when is this applicable?
- why does it happen?
- examples here

So now what? (where we stand today)
- simultaneously seeking anonymity and self-expression
- conflict of interest sets the stage for multiple platforms of expression
both in the anonymous sphere and the celebrity sphere

>>mention few examples of other project pieces here

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